Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Pathways Project - Celebrating The Ballpoint Pen 3


Catherine and The Fabulous Flying Hair!!

I just loved drawing this picture, to me it screams celebration because she's obviously moving her head around like crazy, as though she were dancing and having a good time. (That and I love her hair in this picture.)
First Set:
Andy Warhol style pattern; One that I think would make a funky shirt (Or bedsheets actually).

Second set of patterns:
I love the shiny waves and swirls effect, they make me think of the kind of fancy wallpaper you'd find in an old Victorion household.

Third set of patterns:
Digitally coloured (No paticular reason for the selected ones; I just went with what I believed suited the picture.) and I basically started off with the same pattern style as the one above (Just coloured) but then tried to move onto something different.

Gingham style patterns:
Of the two above I don't know which one I prefer; I felt that the first one was a bit bare with all the blank spaces so I tried to fill it in with black and white pictures of Catherine. On the whole I believe its funky, but wether it's too much or not; I feel as though I'd have to test it on some kind of fabric to see for sure (If I had the time I would have loved to print this on a dress).

Pathways Project - Celebrating The Ballpoint Pen 2

Another set of pattern designs, made from the one original drawing
Fine art, pen drawing
Digital editings

Awesome Patterns for a shirt

And for the one below I was think; skirt

I love this particular set of designs, probably my favourite for the "Applied crafts" side of the project; if I could make clothes i'd use these patterns.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Pathways Project - Celebrating The Ballpoint Pen 1

For "Pathways Project" at college we recieved our first brief at the end of January; (we were given the choice between four topics and I chose:) "How do you celebrate the ballpoint pen?" and we have to refer to all three pathways as we work through the topics (Contemporary Art, Applied Crafts and Design and Visual Comunication.). After a couple of weeks of research and deciding what to do, I decided to start by drawing scenes of "celebration", in this case I've based my work on a series of photos of my classmates and I having a fun night out partying in November last year. This is the first set of drawings I've done (Using only pen) and a series of photoshop edited patterns I've made using them.
Contemporary fine art

Contemporary Fine Art.

Repeated pattern in black and white.
Border design tryout.
 These particular coloured pattern pieces were made using photoshop on Tuesday 4th March

Applied Design Crafts
I was thinking that I could use patterns like these for clothes and furniture; simple looking from a distance but more detailed up close. My main source of inspiration for the "Applied Design Craft" pathway of my topic is the "Timorous Beasties" Art group. 

Transformaton - Photoshop - Colouring sessions continue

After our class on the 7th, we had a week off from college, so our next session for "Specialist Skills" wasn't until the 21st. Turns out, we actually had another session on colouring our drawn pictures; only we were to do another picture. This actually came as a surprise to the class, we were expecting to learn something new, so I had no prepared drawing to work from and had to quickly draw one in class so I could get down to work. Well because I was pressed for time, I wasn't very imaginative, I just drew another picture of Amalthea (One of these days i'll be more inventive) but I was going to try make it look as though she's just about to transform back into a unicorn at the end of the story.


After that day however, we have begun working on the illustrator program and I' not sure when I will next continue (Or even finish) this particular piece. I think to be fair this is simply a test piece for using photoshop. Despite the fact that I'm not likey to finish this, I definetely feel more confident in using photoshop and would like to use it ore in future.