Catherine and The Fabulous Flying Hair!!
I just loved drawing this picture, to me it screams celebration because she's obviously moving her head around like crazy, as though she were dancing and having a good time. (That and I love her hair in this picture.)
First Set:
Andy Warhol style pattern; One that I think would make a funky shirt (Or bedsheets actually).
Second set of patterns:
I love the shiny waves and swirls effect, they make me think of the kind of fancy wallpaper you'd find in an old Victorion household.
Third set of patterns:
Digitally coloured (No paticular reason for the selected ones; I just went with what I believed suited the picture.) and I basically started off with the same pattern style as the one above (Just coloured) but then tried to move onto something different.
Gingham style patterns:
Of the two above I don't know which one I prefer; I felt that the first one was a bit bare with all the blank spaces so I tried to fill it in with black and white pictures of Catherine. On the whole I believe its funky, but wether it's too much or not; I feel as though I'd have to test it on some kind of fabric to see for sure (If I had the time I would have loved to print this on a dress).