Sunday 27 April 2014

Pathways Project - Celebrating The Ballpoint Pen 4

Another set of drawings, this is Zoe; having fun, either smiling, laughing or just making a silly face for the camera.
Coloured Zoe; I just went with this colour because I thought it suited her.
(Below) Another attempt at a pattern using just the one drawing (Like the one of Catherine).

First attempt; Pretty funky.

This one above is a bit freaky, if u look at the centre figures, you'll see their faces are messed up; I just used symmetry of the previous picture to make this pattern, and this is the result; a little freaky but still funky.

Attempts at combining another set of patterns (still of the same image) to the coloured one; these are probably my least favourite patterns so far, I'm not sure if I would go any further with it, however I do still like the individual drawing of Zoe.

She should be holding a shot glass on the left, but it got cut off as I scanned the drawing in. I'm disappointed about that because that's partly why I drew this one; I figured the shot glass further conveyed the party theme. However, she still looks like she's having a good time (Did not make any Photoshop experiments of this drawing on its own, hence why I'm just adding it onto the Zoe experiment entry).

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