Wednesday 19 November 2014

BA Art and Desgin Week 4 Brief 1 - Multiples

Sketchbook pages, progress

After visiting museum of childhood I compared old toys (Left: photos by me) to new toys (Right), particularly the quality of dollhouses.
 3D going a bit slow still making the clay sculpture, never was speedy with 3D, a bit of a perfectionist in that area, which is also my downfall.
The Doll Room!

My Favourite Pages In The Sketchbook, introducing my expanding on my chosen subject. Also I wanted to convey how I felt when I entered the doll room at the museum; a sudden shock and moment of "...Whoa..."
All photos are the ones I took myself at the museum
These pages described how I felt in the doll room (loved it) and how it made me want to do something on dolls even more.
Scraffito techniques: carving (drawing) onto paint on top of pastel


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