Wednesday, 10 September 2014

BA Art and Design Week 1 Brief 1 - Multiples

(Hold your enthusiasm)
On the third of September I returned to college, our first classes being, 3D workshops, Pathways and Context (For which this blog is requested for) and Drawing... and we didn't do any! We can't start (Most) our classes properly because of projects for each class requires a trip to Edinburgh (Which will be taken on the 12th this Friday)
Our project is "Multiples" and the theme must be related to Edinburgh, hence we all we can do in class at the moment is research, which was exciting at first, but then it got a little boring, and kinda hard. The place i'm most interested in at the moment in Edinburgh is the "Museum of Childhood"; for one thing i believe its a place that would likely suit me and my style (Because that's something our lecturers have encouraged us to do this year; work towards our chosen pathway), and i believe it can involve a number of mutiples; the multiples of toys, types of toys, state of the toys, time from which their from and the emotions I may experience when exploring the museum itself.
Thursday, which covered Video practice and mixed media/textiles was the same as the day before; they both require the Edinburgh trip, however in video our lecturer showed us a short video created by David Linch called the Alphabet (It was very disturbing) and has asked us tio make our own videos of the college. In mixed media we just had to continue our research or Edinburgh.
The same happened on Friday when we had Painting class, except we were made to do a quiz on painting... didn't do too well. Then there was critical and contextual studies where we were given a powerpoint presentation on "Knowledge is power", it was actually quite interesting and we were talked through the timetable of the entire class for this year and i'm feeling nervous yet more confident on my essay this year... still not looking forward to it though.
That concludes my blog entry fro week 1

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