Thursday 29 May 2014

Pathways Project - Journey 4

The Finshed Pages
These are the official pages which I sewed into my journal for my final piece; I'm very happy with how they turned out. So happy that I was a bit disappointed with how they turned out after I printed them; slightly darker than supposed to be and all featuring a white border which I couldn't remove because I printed them on word. There was no major damage otherwise; some of the pages were missing their original edges because of the borders (which overlapped them), but thankfully none of the words of pivotal images were cut out.
However this is why I'm happy I have this blog, so I can show people how the pages are really meant to look in all their glory.
One little note I forgot to add into my sketchbook:
"Please Listen to song while reading the book, to help fully appreciated the emotions/story/themes I am trying to convey with my work, thank you."
And I recommend the same to whoever is reading this blog.



Unfortunately I am Aware That I have missed out a line between these pages, I myself am very unhappy about this; but I did not discover this until after I had printed everything and was sewing together the final piece the night before the hand in. Hence I had no time to fix this.








Another wee mistake: "Say" should be "Pleading"





I hope you all enjoy reading this (and are not too disturbed), I am very proud of my work and hope to use illustration more for my future projects.

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