Friday, 27 May 2016

BA Art & Design Year 3 - Project 1 - Weeks 3 - 4 - "Non-Place and Drugs"

Annoyingly I bounced around a lot in terms of ideas for this project...
As much as I would have like to illustrate a comic about the end of the world or the internet, I struggled to even begin wither ideas and considering I was three weeks into a 7 week project, I didn't have the time to faff about with project ideas that would clearly take time to achieve.
So again I had to look into another idea.
I decided to not concentrate on illustration (At least at the start), as I felt that my need to have a story to go with my work, was probably responsible for the block I was having... with my work.
I decided to investigate drugs and how the hallucination effect of drugs was in a sense, Non-Place; drugs make people feel as though they are in a different reality, emotionally or physically (depending on the extreme effects of the drugs)

I researched into "psychedelic" and "hallucinogenic" experiences involving drugs, and the stages of intensity the came in.

Level 1 (Mild)
This level produces a mild 'stoning' effect, perhaps with some low degree of visual alteration/enhancement (i.e. brighter colors, or shifty peripheral vision). Some short-term memory anomalies. Music can sound richer and more vibrant. This level of psychedelic intoxication can be achieved with common doses of cannabis and MDMA, light doses of MDA, and light doses of psilocybin mushrooms.
Level 2 (Moderate)
Bright colours and visuals (i.e. things start to move and breathe). Some flowing geometric 2-dimensional patterns become apparent upon shutting eyes. Confused or reminiscent thoughts. Change in short-term memory leads to continual distractive thought patterns. Vast increase in abstract thought becomes apparent as the natural brain filter is bypassed. Can be achieved with very strong doses of cannabis, common to strong doses of hash oil, light doses of LSD, light to common doses of psilocybin mushrooms, light to common doses of mescaline, strong to heavy doses of MDMA, and common doses of MDA and 2C-B
Level 3 (Strong)
Very obvious visuals, everything looks curved and warped, patterns and kaleidoscopes seen on walls and faces (Albert Hofmann, the discoverer of LSD, described how during his bicycle ride home after his first deliberate LSD self-administration: “Everything in my field of vision wavered and was distorted as if seen in a curved mirror”). Some mild hallucinations such as rivers flowing in wood grain or 'mother of pearl' surfaces. Remarkably vibrant and powerful flowing colourful multi-dimensional geometric patterns are seen when the eyes are closed. There is some confusion of the senses (synesthesia). Time distortions and 'moments of eternity'. Simple tasks such as walking, reading, or writing become difficult at times. Can be achieved with common doses of LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, mescaline, and ayahuasca. Can also be achieved with very high doses of cannabis (usually reachable only by oral administration).
Level 4 (Profound)
Strong hallucinations, i.e. objects morphing into other objects. Destruction or multiple splittings of the ego. Things start talking to you or you find that you are feeling contradictory things simultaneously. Some loss of reality. Time becomes meaningless. Out-of-body experiences and ESP type phenomena.[8] Blending of the senses (especially seeing sound/music). Can be achieved with strong doses of LSD, psilocybin mushrooms, mescaline, and common to strong doses of ayahuasca.
 Level 5 (Ineffable)
This type of experience occurs during high-dose, high-intensity psychedelic sessions. Experiences include total loss of visual connection with reality (unable to tell if eyes are open or closed). The senses cease to function in the normal way (synaesthesia). Total loss of ego. Merging with space, other objects or the universe. The loss of reality becomes so severe that it defies explanation. The earlier levels are relatively easy to explain in terms of measureable changes in perception and thought patterns. This level is different in that the actual universe within which things are normally perceived, ceases to exist. Satori enlightenment (and other such labels) (**).Classic religious/mystical phenomena are commonly reported at this dosage/intensity level; in particular the experience of mystical death/rebirth. Trippers have described experiences of connection to an "all-knowing presence" or a "universal knowledge", which many equate with extra-terrestrials, artificial intelligence, God, love, nothingness/void, transcendent unity, or enlightenment. Can be achieved with strong doses of vaporized DMT, very strong doses of psilocybin mushrooms, very strong doses of LSD, strong doses of salvinorin A, and high but sub-anesthetic doses of ketamine.
I liked the idea of making some kind of "warning poster" about drugs, in reference to Non-Place.
"Stay away from Non-Place!"
(AKA don't do drugs?)
At this point I was starting to stress and was willing to try anything.
3-4 Weeks to go!

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