Sunday 5 April 2015

BA Art and Design Week 12 Brief 1 - Multiples

Hand Mould

Another session from our 3D lecturer who made us take a brief brake from the clay sculpture mould to teach us about another mould making method; this one being a mould for already made objects.

For this test we used our hands (we had to help each other).

Step 1. Cover hand with slow set alginate

(advised, put Vaseline on hands before applying alginate to ease removal of alginate)

Step 2. Once alginate is dry cover it in layers of plaster strips to create a firm mould

Step 3. Once dry, remove the mould from hand, and now fill mould with plaster to create my own set of hands.

While I think this is a really nifty process, unfortunately I don't believe I have a use for it for this project.

My Hands!

(My pinkie broke off)

I was really impressed with all the details that were picked up by the mould.

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