Sunday 25 May 2014

Drawing - Final

My Final Piece For Drawing
Personal Project Study
Chalk pastel drawing of the jewellery holder, drawn on two A1 sheets taped together. I Copied the physical object rather than a photo. I wish I had drawn it from a photo though because I feel as though I could have down a better job of the piece.
Photos Of The Jewellery Holder

When I displayed my final piece on the wall, I included my experimental carving pieces as well

First Carving
I used shimmery ink to colour the block, I made the blue background and the red dress (Which I just kept basic), waited for it to dry and then I carved the shoulders, jewellery holders and the pole that holds it up.

Just to show how shimmery it is

Second Carving
I had this idea of making a mini story for the dress; because its a jewellery holder it can't ever be worn by anyone, but it dreams of being worn and loved by someone. So this carving shows the jewellery holder at the bottom but surrounding it is the imagination of it being worn by someone who dances happily in the dress all the time. again the oly parts which are carved are the white/cream/brown parts (The holder/body/skin).

From a different angle it shimmers. I wanted to add shimmer to all of them because the carvings theselves are simple and I wanted to make them stand out more, but also to me the shimmer gives the impression of magic as the dress dreams.

My Final Carvings
I decided to make a pair of near identical carvings, showing both sides of the dress.
  • The dress as a jewellery holder (The reality)
  • The dress being worn as a real dress should be (The dream)
I just coated the entire blocks with shimmery, pink, red and purple ink and then just carved out the drawings, nothing else done. I think these are my favourite ones.

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