Monday 19 May 2014

Pathways Project - Celebrating The Ballpoint Pen 8

"Applied Design Crafts" Final Piece (Plan)
I looked into the idea of drawing my celebration images onto clothes and of setting them up so the images were symmetrical.
Zoe on both wrists

Catherine on the centre of the back would have been the only part that wasn't symmetrical.
I only managed to make a start on drawing on the shirt when I had to move on however.
Funky bed sheet pattern made up of different images

Final Pattern Designs Inspired by the bed sheets above; I used the idea of creating a pattern out of already set images, I used the finished pattern designs I'd made in previous posts

I think is my favourite design so far, one I would have loved to make onto a product for my final piece, most likely furniture; couches, pillows, quilts, bed sheets, curtains etc.

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