Monday 19 May 2014

Pathways Project - Celebrating The Ballpoint Pen 7

I made the letters for "Celebrate" out of the colour patterns from my first post of "Celebrating The Ballpoint Pen", to see if I can make a poster of sorts for my "Visual Communication" Final Piece (plan). A poster that simply represents the word and feeling of celebration with just the images and with as little writing as possible. So I made the "Celebrate" Title above to use.

Combining "Celebrate" to my pictures of Catherine to make a basic poster

Different colour schemes for "Celebrate"

My Groups of people drawings and poster designs combined with "Celebration"
I quite like this design, its quirky

This ones also combined with my multi-coloured patterns from "Celebrating the ballpoint pen 5)

combined with more multi-coloured patterns from part 5; this one's way too much however

A simpler one, like the 1st one (above)
Another one that's too much

Despite the fact that I felt whenever I combined the group drawings with the multi-coloured patterns of Catherine, I genuinely wanted to make a multi-coloured design, so I decided to make a multi-coloured pattern with the group drawings. I really love the result on its own, but I'm not sure how I can combine it with "Celebrate" without making it too much

I actually like the result better than I thought I would; I cut out the centre and inserted the "Celebrate" titles in the blank square (inspired by my portrait border with Catherine in the centre; from part 6)

Diamond pattern; I like the mix of white with the multi-colours and would love to find a use for this

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