Thursday 29 May 2014

Pathways Project - Journey 1

The Doctor's Wife
For our second brief/project for "Pathways Project" we were told to make a book, based on the theme; journey.
I decided to approach the project from a visual communication point of view as I am aiming to become an illustrator, I wanted to take this chance to concentrate on the interior of a book rather (more than) than the outside. I looked into fairy tales, stories, films and songs that are in some way attributed to a "Journey", so that I could make my own illustrated versions of. Eventually I came to the conclusion of "The Doctor's Wife" by the Clockwork Quartet, a song about a Doctor who goes mad as he tries to save his wife; journey into madness!
I figured; its unique, different, almost everyone I knew had never heard of it, its a dark story and will probably take a lot of people by surprise as they read it (after I've illustrated it), and I aimed to shock them!

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