Monday 19 May 2014

Pathways Project - Celebrating The Ballpoint Pen 6

Here's one I meant to add in earlier!
(And the only reason i didn't just simply add it on to the Catherine entry was because I didn't know if people would look back over ones they'd already looked at, so in other words, I wanted to make sure people could see it)
Contemporary Art Final Piece (Plan)
These are my drafts ideas for my contemporary art final piece (In other words, these are what I would have done if we needed to do the final pieces); a pen drawing of my friends celebrating. Basically I'd take the drawings/photos I'd already done, and put together a scene of them having a party and these are the four designs I came up with. I would use just pen again and draw the entire scene on A2 or A1 sized paper, more drawings on one page and in bigger scale.

Zoe (Right) would actually have her shot glass this time)


my favourite designs were 2 and 4, so if I had done a final piece I would have done either of them if not both.

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